Thank You...
Thank you for looking in on my Self-Hypnosis Seminar. I am pleased to tell you that this seminar has been attended by Doctors of Chiropractic, Doctors of Medicine, Psychologists
and Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners, and of course,
many Hypnotherapists. Contact me if your group is interested in this seminar.
Expressive Headache Postures
Oncologic Pain, Stress and Anxiety
Self-Destructive Drives/Auto-Suggestion
All Hypnosis is... Self-Hypnosis
Hypnosis as we understand it today... is a... 'state-of-mind' ...a narrowing of all peripheral observations of proxemic, haptic and vocalic stimuli that allows for an internalized or focalized perception of an issue... or condition... of importance to the subject. It was... and is today... an attentional and investigative method of structural, behavioral and kinesthetic value in the analysis of postural expressions exhibited in one's gait, stance and gesture... that can influence one's mind/body pain, stress and anxiety... leading many professions in today's scientific community to adopt hypnosis... and its many forms... to their particular fields of interest.
During the last century hypnosis was the method of choice when it came to conditions often called psychosomatic in nature (e.g., hysterical or conversion disorders like chronic tension/psychodynamic headaches... in relation to the eventual development of Freud's applied psychoanalytic concepts and theories) ...which today... we as hypnotherapists... would refer to as a mind/body 'disturbance.' Such disturbances are often recognized as a postural form of aberrant body position that is so vague and ill defined that a proper diagnostic value could not be readily placed upon it. It is... and was... a 'mind/body' situation that more often than not produced an anatomical or physiological aberration in neuromusculoskeletal function. It is the reason that I became interested in hypnosis some years ago... as the meaning of such 'expressive postures' and disorders fit nicely into Palmer's chiropractic philosophy of 'innate' and 'auto-suggestive' disorders related to functional disturbances which often manifested themselves in such 'mind/body' and 'self-limiting' neuromusculoskeletal issues of weightbearing and gravitational disequilibrium... which over time would diminish with little or no need for active interventions.
Continuing on with this mind/body concept of self-hypnosis and auto-suggestion we have Freud who transitioned into what he called 'free-association' which many believe... as do I... is simply another of the many forms of 'self-hypnosis.' So it was the eventual use of self-hypnosis for such disorders that brought varied and individualized hypnotic techniques to the forefront of the neurobiological question of mind affecting body and body affecting the mind... as in Palmer's concept of auto-suggestion. Though in truth... the mind/body connection and its understanding would take almost another century before being established through advanced neuroscience... neuroimaging... and the more precisely defined neurophysiological as well as neuroanatomical relationship between the mind and body... while not forgetting the ever present metaphysical and metapsychological aspects of human nature.
Neurolinguistic programming as compared to hypnosis is a relative newcomer to the mind/body scene... and is a byproduct of eclectic hypnotic concepts... utilizing verbal and conversational 'reframing' of words and/or phrases that can have a positive or negative effect upon the subject. This means... and we all know this... that how something is said or verbalized can have a desired... or undesired effect upon the receiver of that communication. So it is not always what is said... as opposed to how its is said. This applies to questions and answers as well.. as how a question is asked... might foretell the answer.
During the last century hypnosis was the method of choice when it came to conditions often called psychosomatic in nature (e.g., hysterical or conversion disorders like chronic tension/psychodynamic headaches... in relation to the eventual development of Freud's applied psychoanalytic concepts and theories) ...which today... we as hypnotherapists... would refer to as a mind/body 'disturbance.' Such disturbances are often recognized as a postural form of aberrant body position that is so vague and ill defined that a proper diagnostic value could not be readily placed upon it. It is... and was... a 'mind/body' situation that more often than not produced an anatomical or physiological aberration in neuromusculoskeletal function. It is the reason that I became interested in hypnosis some years ago... as the meaning of such 'expressive postures' and disorders fit nicely into Palmer's chiropractic philosophy of 'innate' and 'auto-suggestive' disorders related to functional disturbances which often manifested themselves in such 'mind/body' and 'self-limiting' neuromusculoskeletal issues of weightbearing and gravitational disequilibrium... which over time would diminish with little or no need for active interventions.
Continuing on with this mind/body concept of self-hypnosis and auto-suggestion we have Freud who transitioned into what he called 'free-association' which many believe... as do I... is simply another of the many forms of 'self-hypnosis.' So it was the eventual use of self-hypnosis for such disorders that brought varied and individualized hypnotic techniques to the forefront of the neurobiological question of mind affecting body and body affecting the mind... as in Palmer's concept of auto-suggestion. Though in truth... the mind/body connection and its understanding would take almost another century before being established through advanced neuroscience... neuroimaging... and the more precisely defined neurophysiological as well as neuroanatomical relationship between the mind and body... while not forgetting the ever present metaphysical and metapsychological aspects of human nature.
Neurolinguistic programming as compared to hypnosis is a relative newcomer to the mind/body scene... and is a byproduct of eclectic hypnotic concepts... utilizing verbal and conversational 'reframing' of words and/or phrases that can have a positive or negative effect upon the subject. This means... and we all know this... that how something is said or verbalized can have a desired... or undesired effect upon the receiver of that communication. So it is not always what is said... as opposed to how its is said. This applies to questions and answers as well.. as how a question is asked... might foretell the answer.
In utilizing applied psychoanalytic concepts and theories in my chiropractic practice I found that the unconscious as well as conscious mind played equally important parts in the bodily aspects of the metaphysical and metapsychological analysis and interpretation of posture and position... as well as an appreciation of 'mind/body pain, stress and anxiety. Understanding this could make the difference in a successful or unsuccessful outcome at the termination of treatment... as repetitive... auto-suggestive destructive drives... will often play a pivotal role in a patient/client's acceptance of treatment goals (most especially in tension/psychodynamic headache cases).
Self-Hypnosis... Neuroscience and Neuroimaging...
Imaging in Hypnosis... fMRI and rCBF studies... Ideomotor signs...
In continuing this discussion of hypnosis it is most important... relative to the day and age we live in... to validate what we now know is true of its function... and the accuracy through which we can demonstrate... the neurophysiological presence of the hypnotic... 'state-of-mind.' It has always been thought that hypnosis might influence the neurophysiology of selected brain regions... but before fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and rCBF (regional cerebral blood flow) studies... we could only surmise what the effect of hypnosis was upon a particular brain area. Now we can... with great certainty... follow vascular and neurological activity to specific brain areas... and translate that information into what we now know the function of that area is... and how it affects pain...cognition... and behavior. It is this level of present day brain science that validates hypnosis as a real and effective method of behavior modification.
Through the years those practicing hypnosis often relied upon and utilized 'ideomotor' signs... much like 'expressive postures' and other 'positional cues' to determine 'where' a client is as to the hypnotic 'state-of-mind.' These keys often defined a well trodden and reproducible pattern of structural, behavioral and kinesthetic activities which are specific for each individual. In fact most ideomotor observations will eventually lend themselves to a well choreographed pattern of postural and positional behaviors that can make structural and kinesthetic outcomes in hypnotic sessions most predictable... and it is these predicable 'signs' that will often... on a non-verbal level... give the provider the necessary insight into an issue that might not be readily offered verbally by the subject.
Though most clients are not conscious of their non-verbal postural and positional cues... a diligent study of each client over time will reveal to the provider the meaning and intention of every posture, gait, stance and gesture that is positionally displayed before... during... and after the hypnotic session. So 'charting' a client's various presentations during a session may indeed seem like a daunting task in addition to all you must do during a hypnotic session... it is... and will be... a most important secondary... but necessary... observational and unconscious activity on your part... as you will observe and retain much more of the session than you think... and unconsciously you will eventually recognize and identify the positional patterns of your client... as well as their proxemic, haptic and vocalic habits... as you refine your growing observational techniques and methods.
If it so happens that a client will stay under hypnotic care for a long enough time... he or she may be educated in the tell-tale expressive postures that demonstrate inner feelings and intentions that are unconsciously hidden from consciousness. Learning such postural expressions in your clients can help alleviate feelings that accompany such structural, behavioral and kinesthetic activities... allowing for better communication between the provider and the subject... as well as the subject's real world... outside of the treatment session.
Self-Hypnosis... As I see it...
In the beginning... my hypnotic experience was in the field of chiropractic for the alleviation of mind/body pain, stress and anxiety over a period of 30 years before retiring from my 'everyday' chiropractic practice. Over time I began to see the benefits of hypnosis for the mind/body pain, stress and anxiety patients sometimes felt in anticipation of the chiropractic session... and soon I developed a second practice within my chiropractic practice for those wanting to explore unconscious mind/body feelings about themselves... and in doing this I began to see the true mind/body effects of hypnosis... as the conscious 'physical' complaints of many clients seemed to be resolved or minimized through the unconscious relief of 'psychic' discomforts associated with one's often less than satisfactory human relationships at home... work... and socially.
And so I view hypnosis as a vehicle for the investigation of both mind and body... as well as a way to change behavior. We talk about the mind and how it cannot be measured for its content and capabilities... but rarely do we investigate the power of the mind upon the body and the body upon the mind. That is... we do not take the time... to develop new patterns of thinking which would benefit us more than the old and useless patterns of years gone by. We do not encourage new thinking... which might develop associated adaptations in our brain that might bring us new and better results in our lives both cognitively and behaviorally. In fact it is rare for anyone to delve seriously into oneself to see and feel just who they are... where they have been... and where they are going.
Hypnosis affords one that opportunity. It talks to the unconscious mind... that 'state-of-mind' that holds the key to moving in a forward... or in a different direction... or remaining in the past with old fears and anxieties. These fears and anxieties hold new and conscious actions at bay. They inhibit new thought... and slow down the process of renewal and change. They are the... auto-suggestive destructive drives... that can permeate one's thoughts and motives on an everyday basis. Properly applied hypnosis can lift unconscious barriers in such cases by moving directly upon this kine of unconscious thinking... making fears and anxieties conscious to the individual so he or she can deal directly with the negatives of unconscious life events and traumas by making them irrelevant in today's present world.
Self-Hypnosis... Neuroscience and Neuroimaging...
Imaging in Hypnosis... fMRI and rCBF studies... Ideomotor signs...
In continuing this discussion of hypnosis it is most important... relative to the day and age we live in... to validate what we now know is true of its function... and the accuracy through which we can demonstrate... the neurophysiological presence of the hypnotic... 'state-of-mind.' It has always been thought that hypnosis might influence the neurophysiology of selected brain regions... but before fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and rCBF (regional cerebral blood flow) studies... we could only surmise what the effect of hypnosis was upon a particular brain area. Now we can... with great certainty... follow vascular and neurological activity to specific brain areas... and translate that information into what we now know the function of that area is... and how it affects pain...cognition... and behavior. It is this level of present day brain science that validates hypnosis as a real and effective method of behavior modification.
Through the years those practicing hypnosis often relied upon and utilized 'ideomotor' signs... much like 'expressive postures' and other 'positional cues' to determine 'where' a client is as to the hypnotic 'state-of-mind.' These keys often defined a well trodden and reproducible pattern of structural, behavioral and kinesthetic activities which are specific for each individual. In fact most ideomotor observations will eventually lend themselves to a well choreographed pattern of postural and positional behaviors that can make structural and kinesthetic outcomes in hypnotic sessions most predictable... and it is these predicable 'signs' that will often... on a non-verbal level... give the provider the necessary insight into an issue that might not be readily offered verbally by the subject.
Though most clients are not conscious of their non-verbal postural and positional cues... a diligent study of each client over time will reveal to the provider the meaning and intention of every posture, gait, stance and gesture that is positionally displayed before... during... and after the hypnotic session. So 'charting' a client's various presentations during a session may indeed seem like a daunting task in addition to all you must do during a hypnotic session... it is... and will be... a most important secondary... but necessary... observational and unconscious activity on your part... as you will observe and retain much more of the session than you think... and unconsciously you will eventually recognize and identify the positional patterns of your client... as well as their proxemic, haptic and vocalic habits... as you refine your growing observational techniques and methods.
If it so happens that a client will stay under hypnotic care for a long enough time... he or she may be educated in the tell-tale expressive postures that demonstrate inner feelings and intentions that are unconsciously hidden from consciousness. Learning such postural expressions in your clients can help alleviate feelings that accompany such structural, behavioral and kinesthetic activities... allowing for better communication between the provider and the subject... as well as the subject's real world... outside of the treatment session.
Self-Hypnosis... As I see it...
In the beginning... my hypnotic experience was in the field of chiropractic for the alleviation of mind/body pain, stress and anxiety over a period of 30 years before retiring from my 'everyday' chiropractic practice. Over time I began to see the benefits of hypnosis for the mind/body pain, stress and anxiety patients sometimes felt in anticipation of the chiropractic session... and soon I developed a second practice within my chiropractic practice for those wanting to explore unconscious mind/body feelings about themselves... and in doing this I began to see the true mind/body effects of hypnosis... as the conscious 'physical' complaints of many clients seemed to be resolved or minimized through the unconscious relief of 'psychic' discomforts associated with one's often less than satisfactory human relationships at home... work... and socially.
And so I view hypnosis as a vehicle for the investigation of both mind and body... as well as a way to change behavior. We talk about the mind and how it cannot be measured for its content and capabilities... but rarely do we investigate the power of the mind upon the body and the body upon the mind. That is... we do not take the time... to develop new patterns of thinking which would benefit us more than the old and useless patterns of years gone by. We do not encourage new thinking... which might develop associated adaptations in our brain that might bring us new and better results in our lives both cognitively and behaviorally. In fact it is rare for anyone to delve seriously into oneself to see and feel just who they are... where they have been... and where they are going.
Hypnosis affords one that opportunity. It talks to the unconscious mind... that 'state-of-mind' that holds the key to moving in a forward... or in a different direction... or remaining in the past with old fears and anxieties. These fears and anxieties hold new and conscious actions at bay. They inhibit new thought... and slow down the process of renewal and change. They are the... auto-suggestive destructive drives... that can permeate one's thoughts and motives on an everyday basis. Properly applied hypnosis can lift unconscious barriers in such cases by moving directly upon this kine of unconscious thinking... making fears and anxieties conscious to the individual so he or she can deal directly with the negatives of unconscious life events and traumas by making them irrelevant in today's present world.
I see hypnosis as an investigative method of ferreting out... the worn out... old and useless... thinking that holds one back... which is often 'locked-up' in defensive and retentive expressive postures. I see hypnosis as a mind/body process that lays the foundation for new neuronal tracks that can lead to better health and wellbeing by eliminating the old and ragged pathways of irrational fear. Hypnosis is the liberation of one's innate human potential... as well as the conscious and unconscious aspects of life and living... because we all have the ability to grow... regardless of age or circumstance... as long as we believe we can... but only if we decide to overcome the old and destructive patterns of incorrect thinking that have led us to where we are today.
Variations in Hypnosis... My use of Hypnosis...
Neurolinguistic Programming... is simply the use of language patterns, vocalics, and sentence construction... designed to appeal to the listener... in an effort to reduce defensive or resistant unconscious acceptance of the speaker's message. This is a method often utilized along with various hypnotic techniques. It is by itself... a way of communicating thoughts and information 'past' intellectual and conscious 'censors' so as to enhance understanding while modifying one's 'state-of-mind' by reframing or reimagining a situation in a new light... using language and patterns of speech that are non-threating in tones and vocalic levels that allow for the listener's ability to assimilate and understand the meaning of what is said... and why it is said.
Applied Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories... should be considered when working with a patient outwardly exhibiting... auto-suggestive destructive drives... as well as chronic and unwanted... repetitive behaviors. Auto-suggestive self-destructive drives are very often associated with the 'anchoring' of a specific and repetitive symptom collage (e.g., tension/psychodynamic headaches) of mind/body pains, stresses and anxieties that are common to daily life and living... environments... and people in general... and are often expressed in a postural and positional manner. To this end... unconscious defensive signs can be observed when looking for non-verbal indicators of one's 'state-of-mind.'
About Dr. Chiacchi... Not Only Chiropractic...
I have retired from active practice... but during my thirty years in clinical chiropractic practice in the Boston area... I investigated, and took up, the practice of hypnotherapy in 1992... mainly to focus on mind/body pain, stress and anxiety.... unconscious and repetitive auto-suggestive destructive drives... and expressive postural and positional tension/psychodynamic headaches. These areas of interest are a direct result of my time as president of the American Chiropractic Association's Councils on Mental and Behavioral Health during the years of 1989-1993. It was during this time that I also developed an interest in neurolinguistic programming and applied psychoanalytic concepts and theories... as both complimented my practice of chiropractic.
For some 50 years now... I have held dual state chiropractic licensure in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire. From the University of the State of New York I received my undergraduate degree (BS) with a major in neuroscience... and a minor in psychology... and from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Iowa, my doctorate (DC). Additionally from Palmer College of Chiropractic I hold a certificate of superior clinical proficiency earned while serving as a clinical intern in the department of radiology... along with an additional certificate of proficiency in radiological theory, practice, imagery analysis, and interpretation. From New York Chiropractic College on Long Island... where I served on the post-graduate faculty in 1989... and research department in 1990... I received continuing education certificates in adjunctive physiological therapeutics and clinical nutrition. I also hold diplomate status, and board certification, from the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners... and was cited by the National Institute of Chiropractic Research in their chronology... for my contribution to... mental health and chiropractic.
I have retired from active practice... but during my thirty years in clinical chiropractic practice in the Boston area... I investigated, and took up, the practice of hypnotherapy in 1992... mainly to focus on mind/body pain, stress and anxiety.... unconscious and repetitive auto-suggestive destructive drives... and expressive postural and positional tension/psychodynamic headaches. These areas of interest are a direct result of my time as president of the American Chiropractic Association's Councils on Mental and Behavioral Health during the years of 1989-1993. It was during this time that I also developed an interest in neurolinguistic programming and applied psychoanalytic concepts and theories... as both complimented my practice of chiropractic.
For some 50 years now... I have held dual state chiropractic licensure in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire. From the University of the State of New York I received my undergraduate degree (BS) with a major in neuroscience... and a minor in psychology... and from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Iowa, my doctorate (DC). Additionally from Palmer College of Chiropractic I hold a certificate of superior clinical proficiency earned while serving as a clinical intern in the department of radiology... along with an additional certificate of proficiency in radiological theory, practice, imagery analysis, and interpretation. From New York Chiropractic College on Long Island... where I served on the post-graduate faculty in 1989... and research department in 1990... I received continuing education certificates in adjunctive physiological therapeutics and clinical nutrition. I also hold diplomate status, and board certification, from the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners... and was cited by the National Institute of Chiropractic Research in their chronology... for my contribution to... mental health and chiropractic.
As well... I am a certified hypnotherapist through the National Guild of Hypnosis... and have taught self-hypnosis to patients at my chiropractic office for better than twenty-five years... for the reduction of chronic mind/body pain, stress and anxiety. I was also a member of the convention faculty of the Guild where I lecture on hypnotic postures and variations of chronic pain issues. I also completed a one year, continuing education certificate program, sponsored by the Academy of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis in Livingston, New Jersey on applied psychoanalytic concepts and theories... studying the maturation process and early developmental failures, analytical listening and communication... impulse and obsessive disorders... and transference and countertransference ...and often utilized these applied psychoanalytic concepts and theories in my hypnotic care of mind/body pain, stress and anxiety associated with cancer and chemotherapy/immunological distress... as well as in the recognition of repetitive and unconscious... auto-suggestive destructive drives. I have also studied psychoanalytic clinical psychopathology as part of my continuing education.
So in a very real sense... I became 'a psychoanalytically oriented chiropractor.' I am also a certified Neurolinguistic Programmer... teaching patients how to reframe or rethink their self-talk relative to chronic mind/body pain, stress and anxiety. I hold memberships with the American Chiropractic Association, the National Guild of Hypnosis, the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society and the National Federation of Neurolinguistic Programmers. Since retiring from my public, everyday practice, I continue to investigate the metaphysical, metapsychological conceptual and theoretical neurosciences commonly associated with... chiropractic, hypnosis, neurolinguistics and applied psychoanalytic concepts and theories... while still developing my observational... Expressive Postures Concept™.
Mark S. Chiacchi, DC
Telephone: 781.941.0848
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